
Security & Privacy Tips

Stay Anonymous

The details in your account are private, so there is no sharing or interaction with other users. When creating your account username, we discourage the use of your real name. Stay anonymous and stay safe online.

For the sake of your conquest's privacy, never use their full first and last name, or any personally identifiable information in your conquest logs.

Browser History

Your Internet browser is keeping tabs on where you go, and when. For the most part, this is helpful information. However, for the sake of your privacy, Conquest Log™ encourages our users to take advantage of your preferred browser's privacy features.

  • Upgrade your browser to the latest version.
  • Clear your cache (browser memory) often.
  • Use "InPrivate" browsing for IE, or "Incognito" browsing for Chrome.
  • Beware of AutoFill browser features for forms.

Password Strength

When creating a password for your account here are some tips of what NOT to do.

  • Don't use all letters or all numbers.
  • Don't have it match, or be a variation of, your username.
  • Don't use a word with personal meaning. (i.e. kid/spouse/pet names)
  • Don't use a special date, or number. (i.e. SSN/Birthday/Anniversary)
  • Don't use a lone word from the dictionary.

Your Conquest Log™ password must contain at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 number. It must be between 8 and 20 characters.

Password Storage Software

With so many Web sites requiring a password, at times it can be overwhelming to keep track of every one. The solution is simple. Install password storage software and let it do the remembering for you.

KeePass® has free password storage software, or search the web for "password storage software" to find the best fit for you.


Share Your Thoughts

Let us know what's missing, or what we can make better. We would appreciate your constructive feedback so we can make Conquest Log™ even more useful and fun for all our members.

A Basic Account Is Free

Get your free basic account today and start keeping track of your conquests. A premium account is available for only $12.99 per year. Do it for the memories, for your health, or just for fun.

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